
Some late night thoughts about my employers.

If someone has money, and they are buying all this extravagant shit to flex, it’s because they are insecure about how they are perceived by others. They are worried about not being perceived as worthy by their peers. That’s obvious I guess, but it’s not even the bad part. The bad part is that it reveals their own value system. They are worried about how they are perceived because of the way they perceive others. These type of people look at you as beneath them. They do not, and will never, value you or anyone else. Theirs is a hollow, deceptive, and lonely existence. Don’t trust anyone trying to keep up with the Jones’.

If someone has money, and they are buying all this extravagant shit to flex, it’s because they are insecure about how they are perceived by others. They are worried about not being perceived as worthy by their peers. That’s obvious I guess, but it’s not even the bad part. The bad part is that it reveals their own value system. They are worried about how they are perceived because of the way they perceive others. These type of people look at you as beneath them. They do not, and will never, value you or anyone else. Theirs is a hollow, deceptive, and lonely existence. Don’t trust anyone trying to keep up with the Jones’.

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