
Some ludicrous excerpts from what turned out to be a commission only insurance sales gig interview.

I had a feeling that was what it was but had time to kill, thought the interviewer was kind of entertaining – and found out I indeed landed a rare interview in the lucrative world of commission only insurance and annuity products. I half assed an assessment that literally had questions like “do you like using a microscope for fun?” and “is free enterprise the best system?” He looked at the results, with intensity and declared with a straight face: “Ok, you scored high in power and financial success as motivators. That’s good, our research shows salespeople who have these motivators are amongst the most likely to succeed in sales. Now, you also scored high in financial stability. We don’t like to see that as much because we need to be able to roll with the waves.” I smiled with the evil smile of a person whose essence is the…

I had a feeling that was what it was but had time to kill, thought the interviewer was kind of entertaining – and found out I indeed landed a rare interview in the lucrative world of commission only insurance and annuity products.

I half assed an assessment that literally had questions like “do you like using a microscope for fun?” and “is free enterprise the best system?”

He looked at the results, with intensity and declared with a straight face:

“Ok, you scored high in power and financial success as motivators. That’s good, our research shows salespeople who have these motivators are amongst the most likely to succeed in sales. Now, you also scored high in financial stability. We don’t like to see that as much because we need to be able to roll with the waves.”

I smiled with the evil smile of a person whose essence is the love of power and money. And also stability.

He went on and on about how the next exercise would be to gather info on 10 possible prospects we could discuss, so he could get a sense of how I roll. I channeled my Dark Triad bad self into pretending to agree, while knowing full well that my love of power, money and financial stability means I will never waste a moment on this dude again.

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