
Some questions about the movement from someone who wants to understand it

Hello. I see several subreddits all about calling out the exploitation of the current workspaces, which I agree with, but I do have a few questions and will likely repost them to multiple subreddits of this nature because I am hoping to understand πŸ™‚ So for my questions (keep in mind these are all hypothetical and I am aware it is a long way until these would even need to be answered): How many (if any) mandetory working hours would be ideal for you? How will you incentivize people to do the dangerous/manual labor (cleaning, garbage collecting, construction – especially the dangerous kind where they have to be high up etc) until AI is advanced enough to do it for us? As messed up as it is, a lot of people only do that stuff because it's one of their only qualifications, and realistically would not volunteer to do it…

Hello. I see several subreddits all about calling out the exploitation of the current workspaces, which I agree with, but I do have a few questions and will likely repost them to multiple subreddits of this nature because I am hoping to understand πŸ™‚

So for my questions (keep in mind these are all hypothetical and I am aware it is a long way until these would even need to be answered):

  • How many (if any) mandetory working hours would be ideal for you?

  • How will you incentivize people to do the dangerous/manual labor (cleaning, garbage collecting, construction – especially the dangerous kind where they have to be high up etc) until AI is advanced enough to do it for us? As messed up as it is, a lot of people only do that stuff because it's one of their only qualifications, and realistically would not volunteer to do it if money weren't necessary. How would we make sure this work would still get done?

  • Would you say that you want everyone to get equal pay? What about specialized fields that need years of studying like doctors? Do you have a general idea on what the differences in payment would be depending on how hard the job is?

Those are the only ones I can think of so far, but they're pretty relevant to me because I'm sure many others who don't understand the movements have simmilar questions. Hope to hear from you guys πŸ™‚

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