
Some worker conditions from Norway

I am on the low end here, not the lowest but in no way any kind of “status” job. I have 5 weeks paid vacation a year, that I am encouraged to take(and I do). If I make it to a certain age I will get another week. I have about 20 sick days, paid, that I can just tell work I am sick with no need for a doctors note. Had I a child I would have about double the sick days to accommodate any days my child was sick and I stayed at home to take care of them. With doctor approval and documentation the sick days are basically infinite. I cannot be fired for using my sick days, nor do I have to tell the employer anything about my sickness. I usually just text my immediate boss “sick today”, sometimes following up later in the day with…

I am on the low end here, not the lowest but in no way any kind of “status” job.

I have 5 weeks paid vacation a year, that I am encouraged to take(and I do). If I make it to a certain age I will get another week.

I have about 20 sick days, paid, that I can just tell work I am sick with no need for a doctors note. Had I a child I would have about double the sick days to accommodate any days my child was sick and I stayed at home to take care of them. With doctor approval and documentation the sick days are basically infinite.

I cannot be fired for using my sick days, nor do I have to tell the employer anything about my sickness. I usually just text my immediate boss “sick today”, sometimes following up later in the day with wether or not I'll be in the next day. I can take up to 5 days in a row without note(though I never have), after which they want to see some documentation.

When I got into an accident at work they accommodated my situation for months, giving me different tasks and asking my input as to what I thought I could do or not. And they paid All my bills. I spent that time learning from maintenance personnel so I can use my (work provided and paid for) education to do more of the support functions myself. Reducing downtime and maintenance resource use significantly.

My workplace has provided internationally valid, with multi year schooling parallel with my job, certifications that are compatible and useful in a wide variety of jobs. In addition to inhouse training on work specific specialities.

I am a union member, but even if I wasn't I would have been treated the same by both work and union.

Laws, worked for by unions and political parties, protect me and give me these rights. I pay dues gladly, but don't have to(part of why I don't mind paying). I have No doubt that my corporate overlords would not provide anything they aren't forced to, despite the obvious benefits To Them, as every time anything is made optional it goes away almost instantly.

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