
Somebody was just remoted into my work laptop at 1am.

I don’t think it was a security issue, I 100% think it’s someone from my company. I had issues with my laptop last month and it involved someone remoting on to my machine and at the time I thought it odd no message or warning came up when they remoted on; if they hadn’t of typed me a note on the laptop, I’d have never of known. Anyway, cut to tonight, I’m up because I can’t sleep and go down to the kitchen to get some water and I notice the office is lit up. The laptop screen is on in the dark room. I assumed it felt movement and woke up, but then noticed it was on the Home Screen. Then, my emails opened up, and then teams. I don’t have a password on the work laptop as it only ever stays in my house and I live alone.…

I don’t think it was a security issue, I 100% think it’s someone from my company. I had issues with my laptop last month and it involved someone remoting on to my machine and at the time I thought it odd no message or warning came up when they remoted on; if they hadn’t of typed me a note on the laptop, I’d have never of known.

Anyway, cut to tonight, I’m up because I can’t sleep and go down to the kitchen to get some water and I notice the office is lit up. The laptop screen is on in the dark room. I assumed it felt movement and woke up, but then noticed it was on the Home Screen. Then, my emails opened up, and then teams. I don’t have a password on the work laptop as it only ever stays in my house and I live alone.

I know I should have recorded it but I was stunned and then so creeped out I shut the machine down. I haven’t done anything wrong (I don’t think at least) but I feel so grossed out, not trusted and like I have no boundaries. I know I can’t complain as it’s company property but I feel gross.

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