
Something that I just never realized with companies ending work from home.

Where does a C level exec that makes the decision to end work from home work in? An enclosed room with its own bathroom with a couch, desk, maybe a small library and other personal effects that make it feel like a study in a house. Almost like a “home” away from home wouldn't you say? they're not lying about keeping the “office culture alive”, its just not the circlejerk of comradere and lolipop and warm fuzzy feelings that people think about. they want to keep you uncomfortable. They want you to suffer so you try to work your way into a something thats bearable. They want you have debts, families and obligations so that you show up to work because they see us as fucking livestock that runs only to fuel our own needs. The people that are being lazy and complacent aren't us, its them and they're terrified…

Where does a C level exec that makes the decision to end work from home work in? An enclosed room with its own bathroom with a couch, desk, maybe a small library and other personal effects that make it feel like a study in a house. Almost like a “home” away from home wouldn't you say?

they're not lying about keeping the “office culture alive”, its just not the circlejerk of comradere and lolipop and warm fuzzy feelings that people think about.

they want to keep you uncomfortable. They want you to suffer so you try to work your way into a something thats bearable. They want you have debts, families and obligations so that you show up to work because they see us as fucking livestock that runs only to fuel our own needs. The people that are being lazy and complacent aren't us, its them and they're terrified of thebthought that we'll going to become like them.

They're still stuck in the fucking past holding onto dying tradtions, but buddy there is no fucking tradition anymore. All they've created is a revolving door for turnover for their best talents to leave and they see that as a good thing because it keeps overhead down.

I'm not even normally this far left antiwork type of person that speaks about about this shit, I keep my head down at work, try to hold myself where im satisfied with the value that im providing for my work and the customer, but when your coworker gets fucking assaulted on the train commuting to work it really makes starts to make you wonder. And now theyre adding covid ontop of this fucking bullshit. They're playing with your fucking health and well being for productivity and profits. Fuck Corporate think

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