
Something to demand from your bosses during Mondays Strike……

One of the major shifts that I've seen on here is people leaving their company if they don't feel compensated fairly. They know they are invaluable but don't know always know what their coworkers make. So when they find out they are making far less than a newly hired person doing the same job as them, for example, they have a huge advantage over the negotiations to get EVEN MORE than what they should be getting. Usually these negotiations are written in an email or printed document saying something similar to “pay me fairly or consider this my two weeks.” Ideally, this is done after you have a few jobs lined up,, but its not always necessary. If you are a regular on this subreddit then you know its for industries all across the board. Now, if you could get signatures from as many women im your company saying that…

One of the major shifts that I've seen on here is people leaving their company if they don't feel compensated fairly. They know they are invaluable but don't know always know what their coworkers make. So when they find out they are making far less than a newly hired person doing the same job as them, for example, they have a huge advantage over the negotiations to get EVEN MORE than what they should be getting.

Usually these negotiations are written in an email or printed document saying something similar to “pay me fairly or consider this my two weeks.” Ideally, this is done after you have a few jobs lined up,, but its not always necessary. If you are a regular on this subreddit then you know its for industries all across the board.

Now, if you could get signatures from as many women im your company saying that you need them to GURANTEE they will add abortion packages to your medical benefits (if dont you already have it) that pays for everything from cost of travel, time off for grieving if needed, and can apply to your immediate family.

This may not be the long term solution, but this is an additional thread in the safety ned.If the government can't protect you, then make your company protect you until they can.

This is a really good test to see if you should stay as well. Including asking their opinions during the interview process.

You deserve to have the Choice.

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