
Sometime ago

Sometime ago I worked in a hardware store (not anymore) and I soon noticed that the schedules were constantly changed, after the 4 weeks in advance that they were made originally. Me takes the schedule prints it out and take it home 1 week in advance, after a few days its l get called on my freeday (Saturday) in like the middle of the day by my teamleader/manager asking where I am and that I was supposed to work the closing shift. I say I am free today I got the the schedule printouts, he checks the the old printouts from sometime ago on the wall and says you need to work, I remain firm and say no I got the proof in my hands at home, he walks over to the computer and checks the most recent changes and sees I'm in the right and someone else was supposed…

Sometime ago I worked in a hardware store (not anymore) and I soon noticed that the schedules were constantly changed, after the 4 weeks in advance that they were made originally.

Me takes the schedule prints it out and take it home 1 week in advance, after a few days its l get called on my freeday (Saturday) in like the middle of the day by my teamleader/manager asking where I am and that I was supposed to work the closing shift.

I say I am free today I got the the schedule printouts, he checks the the old printouts from sometime ago on the wall and says you need to work, I remain firm and say no I got the proof in my hands at home, he walks over to the computer and checks the most recent changes and sees I'm in the right and someone else was supposed to work who also did not know because of the sudden change in schedule.

Despite the clear wrong of management he demands I come in because they need me, I have nothing to do but don't want to go anyway because that job stresses me out, I decline stating I am about to go out of the city to visit friends, he goes on I really should because my co-worker who had the opening shift (7am) now has to close as well (9pm) me feeling really bad for my co-worker still says no, he reluctantly agrees with lots of sighing (all throughout the call btw) and hangs up.

I was stressed out for the rest of the day and my co worker worked 14 hours that day because they cant keep it strait

I also thought it was really bad he tried to emotionally blackmail me to take the shift instead of him being a real teamleader/manager and taking the last shift and showing everyone why he deserved that cheap looking sportscar (it meant he only had to be alone in that section for 3 hours)

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