
Sometimes I can’t tell if I’m the toxic one or they are

Everything at my new job was fine for the last 8 weeks, until a new girl came along. And she didn't sit well with me and she tried to us (2 people who have been there for 7 weeks ) what to do on her second day and her third day. She has has less experience than everyone else, I have at least 4 more years over her and I don't try to boss her around and I try to word things nicely. If she's pushy, I don't say anything, I say don't panic, don't worry, it's okay. And she seems to get stressed even if the store is not that busy. I didn't say anything and I gave it a couple days and then my other coworker said to me that she was pushy and couldn't stand her, I agreed but said I'll give her a chance, maybe she…

Everything at my new job was fine for the last 8 weeks, until a new girl came along. And she didn't sit well with me and she tried to us (2 people who have been there for 7 weeks ) what to do on her second day and her third day. She has has less experience than everyone else, I have at least 4 more years over her and I don't try to boss her around and I try to word things nicely. If she's pushy, I don't say anything, I say don't panic, don't worry, it's okay. And she seems to get stressed even if the store is not that busy.

I didn't say anything and I gave it a couple days and then my other coworker said to me that she was pushy and couldn't stand her, I agreed but said I'll give her a chance, maybe she is just stressed. Before that I'd rarely gossip, if it was it was about how we are being paid and the only person we only talked shit about was the big boss and no one else.

And the new girl only talks to me about her personal life, I have a feeling it's because we are the same age and no one else (everyone else is over 30) and just complains and stuff and told me not to trust my other coworker that I've known for longer and I really adore. And I don't know it's her tone of voice and her eyes that tell me something is not right. We tried to ask basic questions about her just to get to acquainted and she was super on guard and it made me feel bad for asking.

TL;DR bad vibes

However, when someone starts talking to me like that I engage and then I find myself gossping too much and I feel nasty and gross and I've had this in nearly every workplace. I confuse my identity with the person who is saying bad things or has bad vibes and think I'm bad or maybe I'm the toxic one for engaging..y

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