
‘Sometimes, we work until we die’ – verbatim, a potential employer

I lost my previous job due to my company closing and I went job hunting at the beginning of the month. I work in the creative industries, a job that, as proven by the pandemic, can be worked 100% remotely. I went to an interview at the beginning of the month and when I asked the employer about possible remote work, she said something along the lines of: 'Wow, you creatives have all become so lazy… no, there are no remote working days, this is a 9-to-5 and sometimes a 9-to-death job, you got that!?”. When I asked about compensation, she told me that she can give me 2/3 of what I had asked for. This company was also highkey shady, with no legit website or Linkedin or anything. Naturally, they are still looking for a hire.

I lost my previous job due to my company closing and I went job hunting at the beginning of the month. I work in the creative industries, a job that, as proven by the pandemic, can be worked 100% remotely.

I went to an interview at the beginning of the month and when I asked the employer about possible remote work, she said something along the lines of: 'Wow, you creatives have all become so lazy… no, there are no remote working days, this is a 9-to-5 and sometimes a 9-to-death job, you got that!?”. When I asked about compensation, she told me that she can give me 2/3 of what I had asked for. This company was also highkey shady, with no legit website or Linkedin or anything. Naturally, they are still looking for a hire.

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