
Soon to be fired because of my therapy appointments

I (24F) got hired as a customer service representative at this start-up in the beginning of the year. They have a set schedule for each shift: one for the morning, one for the evenings, and one for the weekend. I have classes in the morning, so I decided to take the evening shift. Around March, I switched therapists and the only available day I found I could attend sessions conflicted with my evening schedule. My therapist provided a Letter of Support to my job requesting for this one day off, and after discussing more with HR they were able to accommodate me for this one day. They also offered me additional shifts to make up the hours. Throughout the next few months, the company started to let more and more people go. Last week, they fired the last person on the night shift other than myself. The following day, HR…

I (24F) got hired as a customer service representative at this start-up in the beginning of the year. They have a set schedule for each shift: one for the morning, one for the evenings, and one for the weekend. I have classes in the morning, so I decided to take the evening shift.

Around March, I switched therapists and the only available day I found I could attend sessions conflicted with my evening schedule. My therapist provided a Letter of Support to my job requesting for this one day off, and after discussing more with HR they were able to accommodate me for this one day. They also offered me additional shifts to make up the hours.

Throughout the next few months, the company started to let more and more people go. Last week, they fired the last person on the night shift other than myself. The following day, HR called me into the office and told me that they couldn’t accommodate me anymore and if I can’t figure something out with my counselor they would also have to let me go.

They are giving me until the end of this month, but there’s nothing I can do. Personally, I have to prioritize my mental health and school right now. I believe this is illegal what they are doing, but I don’t know how to go about this. Should I report to the EEOC? Do I just wait and file for unemployment? Does it take long for unemployment to be approved?

I feel so lost, I have no idea what’s the protocol for these kinds of things. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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