
Soon to be former employer posted my former job but with higher pay.

A few months ago a coworker of mine quit. My boss then asked me to take on a part of that coworkers book of business. I told her I would if they promoted me to the next grade level for my position. (In my company our pay is associated with grade levels). She said yes, as it was a reasonable request as I have been with the company for 4 years. She is always positive in my yearly reviews and I don't have any marks against me. So she agreed that I was due for a promotion. A week later she confirmed she got it approved with her manager. I then assumed I got it and it would be present on my next paycheck or the one after. Boy was I WRONG! Please learn from me folks and get your offers or promotions in writing. A few weeks went by…

A few months ago a coworker of mine quit. My boss then asked me to take on a part of that coworkers book of business. I told her I would if they promoted me to the next grade level for my position. (In my company our pay is associated with grade levels). She said yes, as it was a reasonable request as I have been with the company for 4 years. She is always positive in my yearly reviews and I don't have any marks against me. So she agreed that I was due for a promotion. A week later she confirmed she got it approved with her manager. I then assumed I got it and it would be present on my next paycheck or the one after.

Boy was I WRONG! Please learn from me folks and get your offers or promotions in writing. A few weeks went by and I hadn't received notice from HR and there were no updates in my paycheck. I asked my boss what the delay was and she said she would search around. We found out that the VP in our division turned it down. She said she would go to bat for me and get me the promotion. I sadly believed her. Then a pattern emerged, I would ask for an update and she said it was coming, but it wasnt in the budget right now. This kept happening for a few months so I decided to move on and try my hand in finding a new job like so many of my other coworkers have done before me (7 in the last year alone) after job hunting for a few months, I was successful! I found a new job that pays way better and will be a better fit for me.

So I told my boss last Friday, I accepted a new position and I could only do a week due to having to start at my new position. She didnt take this news well and gave a vague threat, that if I didn't give her 2 weeks the likelihood of me ever getting another job at the company again would be lower. I then said, well I could just quit today. She quickly changed her tune after that.

Fast forward to today my boss posted on our teams page that my job was reposted. I curiously looked at it only to find out that they reposted the job with the grade level I requested months prior! I'm pretty upset, so I ask you reddit. Do I just say F it and not show up Thursday and Friday or grit my teeth and finish the week?

TLDR: My boss promised me a promotion and didn't deliver. I found another job and the company reposted my job with the promotion I requested. Do I just quit tomorrow?

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