
Soooo… what if we did this (No BS)

What if we organized it by state, then broke it into smaller pieces by trade, instead of by company? Then Subbed it down again if necessary by the company. Hospitality, transportation, sanitation, educators, healthcare, etc. For example- IF every hospitality worker in Cali or Florida went on strike at the same time-Do you know what that would cost Disney ALONE??,quarter%20of%20fiscal%20year%202021. 19.68 Mil a day/12 parks = on average 1.64 Million a day per park They had 4.3 Billion in revenue last year ALONE!!! Then there is Universal, Convention centers, Arenas, Water Parks, Every Attraction, Every Hotel, Every Restaurant, etc… Why is this not doable? Another example: What if every pilot and airline worker striked at the same time? 190 Billion a year? But every pilot I've ever met was on SNAP? WTF PEOPLE? I'm tired of hearing excuses. Real change will take real work, boots on the ground…

What if we organized it by state, then broke it into smaller pieces by trade, instead of by company? Then Subbed it down again if necessary by the company. Hospitality, transportation, sanitation, educators, healthcare, etc. For example- IF every hospitality worker in Cali or Florida went on strike at the same time-Do you know what that would cost Disney ALONE??,quarter%20of%20fiscal%20year%202021.

19.68 Mil a day/12 parks = on average 1.64 Million a day per park

They had 4.3 Billion in revenue last year ALONE!!! Then there is Universal, Convention centers, Arenas, Water Parks, Every Attraction, Every Hotel, Every Restaurant, etc… Why is this not doable?

Another example: What if every pilot and airline worker striked at the same time?

190 Billion a year? But every pilot I've ever met was on SNAP? WTF PEOPLE?

I'm tired of hearing excuses. Real change will take real work, boots on the ground WORK. Some of these posts have 50k+ upvotes. Don't tell me we can't. I've got real skin in this game, and I'm tired of this kick the can game. I don't care if I have to take a fire hose to the face or be attacked by dogs. This is absolute BULLSHIT. I have kids and they DESERVE BETTER. Tell me HOW WE CAN.

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