
“Sorry but I’m too sick to walk over there.” (20 meters). Sorry if you’re that sick you shouldn’t be here.

For context a work as a handy person at an industrial company. I fix, prep, and put together all the equipment our crews use. For the last two months my boss has been super sick. Yet she comes in everyday. She is a salary employee and has full WFM privileges yet she never uses it. She literally does not need to be in the building. Her entire job is; reading requests, buying things online, and then telling me what needs to be done. I do everything else. All our company communication is done virtually and 90% all of the office staff are WFM. So that being said, she still comes in. When she is in, all she does is complain about how sick she is and is super negative all the time. She spread tons of gossip and rumours and never stops complaining. I continuously try to be positive and…

For context a work as a handy person at an industrial company. I fix, prep, and put together all the equipment our crews use. For the last two months my boss has been super sick. Yet she comes in everyday. She is a salary employee and has full WFM privileges yet she never uses it. She literally does not need to be in the building. Her entire job is; reading requests, buying things online, and then telling me what needs to be done. I do everything else. All our company communication is done virtually and 90% all of the office staff are WFM. So that being said, she still comes in. When she is in, all she does is complain about how sick she is and is super negative all the time. She spread tons of gossip and rumours and never stops complaining. I continuously try to be positive and make her less grouchy, but it seldom works.

Today finally I was about to lose my shit. She calls in sick yesterday and texts me to get some stuff done (finished it in less than an hour) and then I got on to stuff I know needs to be done. One of the things is organizing one of our storage containers. I know it’s been bothering her and wanted to surprise her with it. It took me almost 6 hours and it looks fucking awesome. So she comes in this morning, and I’m like “oh come see this…” Nope immediately shut down with the reply “I’m too sick to walk that far…” (it’s less than 20m from the door) FFS I watched this woman walk quadrupole that distance in the half day we’ve been here so far. She’s been nice to everyone else except me.

What really pisses me off, if your “too to walk” why are you at work? Why are you at work when you are WFM?

It’s people like this that ruin workplace reform for the rest of us. It’s people like this that ruin workplaces. I almost quit. Rant over.

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