
Sorry, but unions are like the anti-vaxx solution to work exploitation. We need to do better.

And before I get shot down – I'm not bashing anyone who pushes for unions in particular, just the ideological mindset being promoted, which clearly treats our exploitative system as natural & necessary ….. we need to go beyond that. Unions themselves are a way of justifying the abusive system, not overcoming it. And indeed I feel like a lot of the pro-unionists seem to think Capitalism itself can be controlled and somehow work for the best, despite the entire foundation being exploitation for profit / drive for self-maximization over social & environmental concern. [Besides the fact that there is a limited threshold for such attempts in this system anyway (hence, the reason the most ruthless anti-union companies become the biggest ones of all, “cost efficiency”, and seek to stay that way). Trying to outdo this competitive framework is like shoveling water against the tide.] Our society is trained to…

And before I get shot down – I'm not bashing anyone who pushes for unions in particular, just the ideological mindset being promoted, which clearly treats our exploitative system as natural & necessary ….. we need to go beyond that.

Unions themselves are a way of justifying the abusive system, not overcoming it.

And indeed I feel like a lot of the pro-unionists seem to think Capitalism itself can be controlled and somehow work for the best, despite the entire foundation being exploitation for profit / drive for self-maximization over social & environmental concern.

[Besides the fact that there is a limited threshold for such attempts in this system anyway (hence, the reason the most ruthless anti-union companies become the biggest ones of all, “cost efficiency”, and seek to stay that way). Trying to outdo this competitive framework is like shoveling water against the tide.]

Our society is trained to mainly seek out non-solutions, rather than looking at the root causal elements and changing the structure fundamentally (hence more laws, taxes, protests, etc.; which only reinforce institutional justification, and don't get anywhere practically — i.e., if anything does change, it's generally short lived until the next figure in power undoes everything).

It's like witnessing a constant influx of sick people into a hospital, and you hear one group yelling “we need more pills & medical care! We're dying.” …. but another group is saying, “why don't we find treatments (vaccines) to stop the sickness from spreading in the first place?” — obviously the first group is right in their immediate needs, but they fail to see the bigger picture.

— In other words, if you want fair social conditions, those goals must be built into the structure as a precondition. Elsewise, you get almost nowhere at all, all-the-while those on the sidelines endlessly promise things will change if we try a little harder next time.

A good book on this is called “The New Human Rights Movement: Reinventing the Economy to End Oppression” by Peter Joseph. Very much worth the read for those seeking to anchor themselves in better understandings / go above the noise we're flooded with.

That's all for now. I don't want to make this too long. Just trying to help bring about constructive options.

(And if there are any pro-Capitalists coming in, I'm sure you're bound to use the C word. Well, you're lacking imagination, as there are many more alternatives than that, given our modern technological abilities, networking skills, & social understandings. Also, most people have been intentionally mislead on what communism/socialism even is –which has to do with community-owned businesses, not authoritarian state control. But, like I said, that's not even the real focus.)

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