
Sorry in advance for the long post, tried to keep it as short as possible

Context: worked at a University library circulation desk at night so kids had library access after regular library hours. So last week was my last week at work, which was just a small, 15-20 hour a week per diem position. I have been there for about 4 years and was always a good thing to do for extra money, and worked extra hours when asked, making it kind of part time at points. I was never late, never had any issues, and even went to a couple holiday parties with full time staff. Recently there have been cutbacks in the budget due to Covid and that resulted in my normal hours, which wasnt much already, being cut but still able to keep me on which i was grateful for. Even understanding this, the environment was getting very toxic with people were talking behind other peoples back, and morale was dipping…

Context: worked at a University library circulation desk at night so kids had library access after regular library hours.

So last week was my last week at work, which was just a small, 15-20 hour a week per diem position. I have been there for about 4 years and was always a good thing to do for extra money, and worked extra hours when asked, making it kind of part time at points. I was never late, never had any issues, and even went to a couple holiday parties with full time staff.

Recently there have been cutbacks in the budget due to Covid and that resulted in my normal hours, which wasnt much already, being cut but still able to keep me on which i was grateful for. Even understanding this, the environment was getting very toxic with people were talking behind other peoples back, and morale was dipping fast because people were leaving over budget cuts or other reasons, basically felt like a sinking ship. Seeing this and wanting a new start, I found a place to move into with my GF so we can start a life together.

I was moving about an hour away and the commute really isn’t worth working a couple nights (8-midnight) a week for min wage ($14/hr). Also an hour commute both ways at night definitely was not worth it in my eyes. Im in an at will employment state, and since the job isn’t even considered part time i could just say this is my last day and not have to do an official 2 weeks, but i thought id be professional and say hey this is my last week.

I told my night supervisor this and they were sad i was leaving but understood and overall happy for me. They told the day supervisor who is above them and i dont talk or see and apparently they were very upset with the news and my decision to leave. They said to the night supervisor that i was unprofessional and that i shouldn’t hope for a good reference from them. I heard this from my supervisor and said how i think im being somewhat professional and at least giving you the courtesy of 1 weeks notice since the job is now at most 10 hours a week. The night person agreed and said that they will be looking elsewhere for work too, as the respect and job functions for them has been slowly dwindling and they feel just as disrespected as i had felt in that moment. I also said how glad i was to be making the decision I was making, and leaving that place before it gets worse than already is, and to not even worry about using the day person for a reference as I was not going to do anyways, especially after hearing that.

Just wanted to share how glad i am i left and made the decisions when i did, i feel a lot better for it and like a new person.

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