
So…when’s the revolution?

The poor/middle class are going to keep getting ass-fucked by the billionaire’s/millionaire’s/politician’s golden broomsticks if we don’t do something. MILLIONS of us are one paycheck away from poverty. There’s absolutely no hope on the horizon if we continue down this path. They have us docile and right where they want us. Will a peaceful get together with picket signs change the ways of these greedy pigs? No. And if you think it would you’re delusional. They’re money hungry bullies and wouldn’t change even if the Earth was melting because of their profit driven ways (and news flash dumb fucks, it is.)The only way I see anything drastically changing is a full on revolution. We need mass riots in the streets and corporations burned to the ground. We need real bravery. We need to take real action. We need to stand up for a better quality of life. Instagram posts with…

The poor/middle class are going to keep getting ass-fucked by the billionaire’s/millionaire’s/politician’s golden broomsticks if we don’t do something. MILLIONS of us are one paycheck away from poverty. There’s absolutely no hope on the horizon if we continue down this path. They have us docile and right where they want us. Will a peaceful get together with picket signs change the ways of these greedy pigs? No. And if you think it would you’re delusional. They’re money hungry bullies and wouldn’t change even if the Earth was melting because of their profit driven ways (and news flash dumb fucks, it is.)The only way I see anything drastically changing is a full on revolution. We need mass riots in the streets and corporations burned to the ground. We need real bravery. We need to take real action. We need to stand up for a better quality of life. Instagram posts with #raiseminiumwage and angry tweets won’t cut it, the media will spin that and pit us against each other even more. We need to use the power of the internet and organize a revolution!! It’s our constitutional right!!! We need to prepare our communities so we can be self sufficient for as long as it takes, stockpile arms/ammo, and revolt. It’s the only way we can ignite change. We need to spill capitalist pig blood in the streets or else this noose gets tighter and tighter until we can’t breathe. It’s them or us people!!! I want my kids to have a shot at the American dream. Right now that’s not close to possible and it’s only getting worse. Call me crazy but I think a full scale revolutionary war is our only way out, unless everyone here loves golden broomstick in the ass everyday for life. I’m sick of it. I’m ready to help organize when you guys are, let’s unite and turn this shit around. If any of this resonates with you do something about it. Tell a friend. Steal from corporations. Burn down an Amazon warehouse. Send poison to corrupt official’s homes. Do something. For the love of God America. Please do something.

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