
Spouse’s lousy supervisor finally called out on sick leave “policy”

She falsely said taking sick leave was an “occurrence” and that 2-3 occurrences could lead to getting fired. So everyone at my spouse’s place of work, including him, were afraid to use their sick leave. This “policy” went on for at least 7 years and affected a dozen or more employees (TX). This supervisor is mean, spiteful, plays favorites, and isn’t even qualified for her job. She just has years of seniority and the big boss keeps her because he’s spineless. My spouse (who doesn’t use Reddit so I’m speaking up for him), looked up the employee handbook, went to HR to get verification after finally having enough of his supervisor’s nonsense and he really needed that sick time. Don’t ask me why it took that long, except that his supervisor lied for so long and was so heavy-handed she had everyone convinced of her lies. Sure enough, HR confirmed…

She falsely said taking sick leave was an “occurrence” and that 2-3 occurrences could lead to getting fired. So everyone at my spouse’s place of work, including him, were afraid to use their sick leave. This “policy” went on for at least 7 years and affected a dozen or more employees (TX).

This supervisor is mean, spiteful, plays favorites, and isn’t even qualified for her job. She just has years of seniority and the big boss keeps her because he’s spineless. My spouse (who doesn’t use Reddit so I’m speaking up for him), looked up the employee handbook, went to HR to get verification after finally having enough of his supervisor’s nonsense and he really needed that sick time.

Don’t ask me why it took that long, except that his supervisor lied for so long and was so heavy-handed she had everyone convinced of her lies. Sure enough, HR confirmed my spouse’s suspicions. Taking sick leave is not an “occurrence.” An occurrence is taking an unexcused absence, such as a no call no show or no show not sick. Now everyone at his workplace is happy with him. Thank goodness otherwise there would be very sick people going to work!

I’m so angry I could spit nails about all the years of time missed. This story is only one out of many injustices from that supervisor who is still in her position.

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