
Squeezed out of a job

This will be long so I apologize in advance. Last winter I was working 2 hours away from home renting a second apartment because it was the only job I could find at the time. 3 months ago a company offered me a position in the city I originally lived in and more money. So I took it no brainer right. Went back to paying rent in once place made more money everything was fine for a month and a half. Then my foreman says he’s taking a vacation the first week of April and because it’s just him and I in that town I will have to travel an hour away for a week. Sucks but nbd it’s only a week. So my first week everyone talking about how my foreman retired and I kept saying no he’s on vacation. Until the end of the week after what I…

This will be long so I apologize in advance.
Last winter I was working 2 hours away from home renting a second apartment because it was the only job I could find at the time. 3 months ago a company offered me a position in the city I originally lived in and more money. So I took it no brainer right. Went back to paying rent in once place made more money everything was fine for a month and a half. Then my foreman says he’s taking a vacation the first week of April and because it’s just him and I in that town I will have to travel an hour away for a week. Sucks but nbd it’s only a week.

So my first week everyone talking about how my foreman retired and I kept saying no he’s on vacation. Until the end of the week after what I thought was my last day commuting an hour away as I’m driving out of the parking lot boss A says I’m coming back down there next week. I ask if my foreman retired and he said idk. So the following Monday I call old foreman and ask if he retired and he said yes. I then ask boss A how long I’m going to have to make this hour commute before I can go back to working in my original city, he says idk. I ask boss B who is higher up and he says idk.

A week goes by and boss B calls me and says they’re sending me out of state 2 hours away but they will put me up in a hotel room. I ask for how long he says idk. Now I have to mention most people have a disgust or fear of bed bugs or cock roaches I have a phobia of them. It literally keeps me up at night and if I do sleep it’s nightmares about them. So not great for me but I keep showing up. Making the two hour commute Monday morning, staying in a hotel till the end of the week and then driving two hours home.

My first day at this spot a coworker hands me a piece of paper that’s supposed to be a joke form to determine if you are a whiner. One of the boxes to check says “I am a queer”. He also tells me he gave the form to boss C (upper management in the area) and he thought it was funny). So I was not going to report it for fear of retaliation. This same coworker tells me jokes that contain the N word the next day. I tell him not to tell me racist jokes and he claims he’s not racist because he has black friends.

At this point I ask boss B if I’m ever going back to work in my original city, he never responds. I ask boss C the same question and he says idk but I don’t think so.

This goes on for a month and a half. Then two weeks ago the head big wig boss shows up on the job site. He asks if I enjoy working there and I say not really. His jaw dropped and when he could speak he asks me why? I told him I was hired to work in the city I live in and he agrees that is where I should be working and says he’ll make some calls. A couple days later boss C comes around and tells me if I have a problem with the job to tell him and not big wig. I can tell he is not happy with my complaints to big wig.

The following week I pay 1500 dollars for a cdl class which I’m require to have with my position. I also let boss C know that I will need two weeks off for the class, he is not happy. I’m not excited about spending the money and loosing two weeks of pay either. The next work day he comes back around again and says now I have to share a hotel room with the racist homophobic coworker who has never had a hotel room before from this company. I tell him I’m not doing that. He says my only other option then is to make the drive every day or buy my own hotel room. I again say I’m not doing either of those, and he repeats those are my only options. I ask does that make today my last day then? He says ok well it’s been nice working with you.

Just like that after three months of doing a good job, driving hours away, staying in hotel rooms, never missing a day, paying 1500 dollars of my own money and I’m squeezed out because I told big wig I wanted to work where I was hired to work.

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