
Starbucks cutting hours

My fiance works at Starbucks, was telling me last night how everyone is getting their hours cut. She only works part time luckily, but mentioned that other full-time workers are getting up to entire days cut from their schedule. The thing is, they've been doing so well, her manager has had to hire additional Barista's to keep up with demand. Even so, corporate has demanded they drastically reduce their labor costs, in addition to having just raised their prices. Just wanted to share this to say fuck Starbucks, and to encourage anyone who works there and is thinking about unionizing. You're worth much more than how they treat you.

My fiance works at Starbucks, was telling me last night how everyone is getting their hours cut. She only works part time luckily, but mentioned that other full-time workers are getting up to entire days cut from their schedule. The thing is, they've been doing so well, her manager has had to hire additional Barista's to keep up with demand. Even so, corporate has demanded they drastically reduce their labor costs, in addition to having just raised their prices.

Just wanted to share this to say fuck Starbucks, and to encourage anyone who works there and is thinking about unionizing. You're worth much more than how they treat you.

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