
Starbucks Workers Strike

I live in a medium sized town in the Pacific Northwest. The cost of living here has skyrocketed in recent years, and wages in the area have not come close to keeping up. Rents are up 40% in the last 12 months. Anyway, I went to go to my local Starbucks drive thru today, and it was closed. Went to the one a couple minutes away, also closed. I walked up to read the sign, and apparently all of staff of the Starbucks in my area are on strike. Just wanted to say heck yeah and good on you guys! I really hope this turns into some decent wages for them. Also if any Starbucks employees from the town that rhymes with “You, clean!” want to give us some juicy details on how it all went down, pleeeeeaaaaase do! Edit: Better rhyme

I live in a medium sized town in the Pacific Northwest. The cost of living here has skyrocketed in recent years, and wages in the area have not come close to keeping up. Rents are up 40% in the last 12 months. Anyway, I went to go to my local Starbucks drive thru today, and it was closed. Went to the one a couple minutes away, also closed. I walked up to read the sign, and apparently all of staff of the Starbucks in my area are on strike. Just wanted to say heck yeah and good on you guys! I really hope this turns into some decent wages for them.

Also if any Starbucks employees from the town that rhymes with “You, clean!” want to give us some juicy details on how it all went down, pleeeeeaaaaase do!

Edit: Better rhyme

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