
Started a new job 8/8, got paid once, next paycheck company couldn’t make payroll

I'm 65 (just turned) had been off the job market since 2019. Had been trying to get a e-commerce thing going and was finally seeing a little success when the economy went south this year. So back out onto the job market I went. I have a good network of folks who I've worked with over the years so I had a couple of offers pretty quickly. I chose this company over two others, even though the pay was lower, for the opportunity to do something new. There was absolutely no reason to think there was anything amiss with the company, a very known architecture firm. Everything in the garden seemed lovely. On Labor Day I came down with Covid, but I had sick time and though I would of course, preferred not to have to take time off so soon, the virus made it necessary. That Friday should've been…

I'm 65 (just turned) had been off the job market since 2019. Had been trying to get a e-commerce thing going and was finally seeing a little success when the economy went south this year. So back out onto the job market I went. I have a good network of folks who I've worked with over the years so I had a couple of offers pretty quickly. I chose this company over two others, even though the pay was lower, for the opportunity to do something new. There was absolutely no reason to think there was anything amiss with the company, a very known architecture firm. Everything in the garden seemed lovely. On Labor Day I came down with Covid, but I had sick time and though I would of course, preferred not to have to take time off so soon, the virus made it necessary. That Friday should've been a pay date but nothing hit my account, so I emailed our HR person, thinking there was a issue with my direct deposit. That's when I found out that they couldn't make payroll and had actually sent all the employees home the day before, but since I was OOO they forgot about me. She was really apologetic but at that time it was unclear when we'd get paid, but until we did we just had to stay home (with pay).

Fast forward to today, paychecks went out last Thursday but, of course, my direct deposit had bad info so now I've got to wait until the payment comes back before they can resend it. I was able to confirm that they really did try and pay me so I thought I should go in today since as far as I knew, that was the expectation. There was a handful of ppl there (we are in the middle of some really big projects) but I hadn't been there 15 minutes when the HR person called and said that there really wasn't anything for me to do and I should go home, with pay, and wait for them to tell me to come in.

I know this is a horribly long drawn out story, I really don't know, beside start looking again stat, what to do. I took this job in good faith and lost two good opportunities to take it (those positions have been filled).

This is completely outside my experience but it just doesn't seem right to just dump me now. I'm in NV, a right to work state, so I doubt there is anything I can do, but at my age, to have to go back out on the market AGAIN, is pretty worrisome.

I really just needed to vent, but there isn't anyone I can confide in, so helllooo reddit, I'm idiot

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