
Started training for my first corporate job a week ago and as someone that is more introverted, I already hate it.

I’m already dreading it every single day. I hate the whole “teams” set up. I hate the corporate jargon. I hate the most that you are always expected to chime in with everyone even if it’s completely unrelated to work, because if you don’t you will be an outcast to the entire team and management. I thought maybe I’d be able to grow these skills, working in an environment like this. But I just don’t think I’m a right fit for this type of job at all. I would rather be back working at an Amazon warehouse again.

I’m already dreading it every single day. I hate the whole “teams” set up. I hate the corporate jargon. I hate the most that you are always expected to chime in with everyone even if it’s completely unrelated to work, because if you don’t you will be an outcast to the entire team and management. I thought maybe I’d be able to grow these skills, working in an environment like this. But I just don’t think I’m a right fit for this type of job at all. I would rather be back working at an Amazon warehouse again.

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