
Starting a new career is impossible

So think this is the right place for this post. I like many people got my college degree without knowing what i wanted to be and have ended up working in insurance for the last decade. I dont like my job but it pays the bills and gives me health insurance (im type one diabetic). I realized I wanted to work in conservation maintaining and planning out parks and trails. None of the entry level jobs come with health insurance and the jobs that do require 2 years minimum experience in the field or a masters degree. So now im stuck, i either quit my job and start in conservation rationing my insulin and hoping i get a full time job before i run out, or spend all my savings and go to school while working a full time job. It just sucks being tied to health insurance.

So think this is the right place for this post. I like many people got my college degree without knowing what i wanted to be and have ended up working in insurance for the last decade. I dont like my job but it pays the bills and gives me health insurance (im type one diabetic). I realized I wanted to work in conservation maintaining and planning out parks and trails. None of the entry level jobs come with health insurance and the jobs that do require 2 years minimum experience in the field or a masters degree. So now im stuck, i either quit my job and start in conservation rationing my insulin and hoping i get a full time job before i run out, or spend all my savings and go to school while working a full time job. It just sucks being tied to health insurance.

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