
Starting a new role, or so I thought

I recently got offered a new role within the organisation I work for the other week which I gladly accepted. I received my contract and my start date was to be in 2 weeks, here’s where it all goes wrong. I come back from annual leave to find out another colleague is also moving to a new role in the same company as well but in a different department. We then start speaking and I find out she was offered the role nearly 3 months ago however our current team manager would not let her leave and has kept delaying her move as they “still have stuff to handover”. The thing is we are both just admin staff and everything we do there is a guidance for. The manager who she is supposed to be working for has been complaining about this as she was supposed to start months ago…

I recently got offered a new role within the organisation I work for the other week which I gladly accepted. I received my contract and my start date was to be in 2 weeks, here’s where it all goes wrong. I come back from annual leave to find out another colleague is also moving to a new role in the same company as well but in a different department.

We then start speaking and I find out she was offered the role nearly 3 months ago however our current team manager would not let her leave and has kept delaying her move as they “still have stuff to handover”. The thing is we are both just admin staff and everything we do there is a guidance for. The manager who she is supposed to be working for has been complaining about this as she was supposed to start months ago but they won’t let her go and keep making up excuses.

Now it’s my turn and I was pulled into a meeting to be told I wouldn’t be able to leave my current role till the end of the year as they need to backfill both mine and my colleagues roles and also train them up, my first thought was it takes 2 weeks max to train someone in what we do and there is an extensive amount of guidance they can follow.

I’ve already received my contract which indicates my start date as the end of this month and I have asked if I will be paid my new salary according to my contract as I hope they will honour this. Unfortunately for my colleague she has not received a new contract and is supposed to be finally starting next week. I was also told I will be handed all of her work and the same manager who wouldn’t let her go is the same one who is also holding onto me. Any advice on what to do ?

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