
Starting a new work-from-home job soon. Looking for info on self defense.

Google comes up with advice from the employer's point of view, or advice about efficient setups and work-life balance. When I narrow the search to themes about self defense, it comes back with a bunch of stuff about cybersecurity. But what I'm looking for is information about protecting myself from my employer — personal privacy, my financial interests, and being a good-enough employee without being an eager beaver — that sort of thing. Y'all got any resources?

Google comes up with advice from the employer's point of view, or advice about efficient setups and work-life balance. When I narrow the search to themes about self defense, it comes back with a bunch of stuff about cybersecurity.

But what I'm looking for is information about protecting myself from my employer — personal privacy, my financial interests, and being a good-enough employee without being an eager beaver — that sort of thing. Y'all got any resources?

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