
Stay and be overpaid or leave?

In the process of lining up a job that has a lot more job security but it pays less, but I know I would also enjoy. I am more than likely going to get an offer. Currently now, I am getting paid over the market for my role, easy job but a lot of repetition, listening all day. The thing is, my current company had a big round of layoffs earlier this year, and we just got hit again last week. Company is not doing so well in stock price. They moved a previous director who ran our department the first time to the ground back and to take us into the new direction. Makes sense right? Put someone who couldn't do it before, back into the same role a second time to take us into the new direction….this is a second iteration of this certain department, and a good…

In the process of lining up a job that has a lot more job security but it pays less, but I know I would also enjoy. I am more than likely going to get an offer. Currently now, I am getting paid over the market for my role, easy job but a lot of repetition, listening all day.

The thing is, my current company had a big round of layoffs earlier this year, and we just got hit again last week. Company is not doing so well in stock price. They moved a previous director who ran our department the first time to the ground back and to take us into the new direction. Makes sense right? Put someone who couldn't do it before, back into the same role a second time to take us into the new direction….this is a second iteration of this certain department, and a good chuck in my department didn't fit what they're looking for. EVEN though our former boss and teammates, we were able to bring our company out from compliance trouble in under a year and get praised from our clients.

Obviously I was scared to lose my job, overpaid and easily could have kept the people who were let go with lower salary to do the same. But I suppose that's the bright side if they see value.

My biggest worry is that if this new direction doesn't work, they layoff or get rid of our department or offer lower role. That's also going to be at the back of my mind now. Should I get an offer on the new job, do I take it or stay where I am now and enjoy a cushy role always looking over my shoulder?

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