
stood my ground regarding my caseload, will be interested to see the backlash

So when I started my position I was given as many accounts as the senior members of the team because (insert bullshit reasons to cover up they don't pay us enough and are hemorrhaging workers). They kept piling more work on as they do On Monday I made a list of the accounts I am no longer going to work, bringing me down to a more manageable load, and slightly more equitable for my pay. Did not mention that last part obviously when I presented them to my manager His response back was basically ok how about you keep (these ones) My response was no, they need to be reassigned 'well if they're inactive they won't take much of your time, correct?' 'incorrect, these accounts need to be reassigned. So some of them are going as of today and I am making it my business to get rid of the…

So when I started my position I was given as many accounts as the senior members of the team because (insert bullshit reasons to cover up they don't pay us enough and are hemorrhaging workers).
They kept piling more work on as they do
On Monday I made a list of the accounts I am no longer going to work, bringing me down to a more manageable load, and slightly more equitable for my pay. Did not mention that last part obviously when I presented them to my manager
His response back was basically ok how about you keep (these ones)
My response was no, they need to be reassigned
'well if they're inactive they won't take much of your time, correct?'
'incorrect, these accounts need to be reassigned.
So some of them are going as of today and I am making it my business to get rid of the rest before the end of the week.
The company has a no retaliation policy/non targeting policy which they don't believe in and have targeted me in the past. Fun stuff.
I've got offers for 2ce my salary to go elsewhere, but don't feel like jumping ship (good product, good employees, bad management)

Wish me luck!

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