
Stop Challenging me to “Quit if I don’t like it”

So a while ago I posted a thread about a boss pulling some bullshit on me before I even worked . You all told me she wouldn't change and that it would blow up. Well it did So I do my job teaching special needs kids. I'm good at it and the current kid loved me. But apparently that wasn't good enough. The supervisor has 3 fucking Whatsapp groups, emails me and texts me. 5 fucking lines of communication. I barely answer them cause I don't need her input or help except in rare circumstances and also cause I don't like her. This apparently offended her Today she calls me up crying about how I missed her emails (I didn't she just sent us some worksheets for the kids. I didn't think this merited a response) and missed some messages on Whatsapp. I told her “hey if you want to…

So a while ago I posted a thread about a boss pulling some bullshit on me before I even worked . You all told me she wouldn't change and that it would blow up. Well it did

So I do my job teaching special needs kids. I'm good at it and the current kid loved me. But apparently that wasn't good enough. The supervisor has 3 fucking Whatsapp groups, emails me and texts me. 5 fucking lines of communication. I barely answer them cause I don't need her input or help except in rare circumstances and also cause I don't like her. This apparently offended her

Today she calls me up crying about how I missed her emails (I didn't she just sent us some worksheets for the kids. I didn't think this merited a response) and missed some messages on Whatsapp. I told her “hey if you want to guarantee a response from me, text me”. She got fucking furious. “I AM YOUR MANAGER YOU USE THE LINES OF COMMUNICATIONS I TELL YOU TO, IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN TAKE YOURSELF OFF THE CASE” then hung up before I could answer. Also what a goddamn coward

So after I took myself off the case and apologized to the kid I'm working with's Mom. I don't understand why bosses do this. Try to call a bluff and threaten me. Cause I will call them everytime and quit. I don't like bosses and I don't like working, don't fucking test me. Anyway guess imma try to find a new case and client now

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