
Stop Manager From Volunteering Me For Extra Work

Hello. Help. I have a meeting scheduled with boss and bosses boss Monday. I moved within my division to same role. Instead of being general office admin, now I'm specific division office admin. My boss keeps volunteering me for tasks related to my old position. First was assigning me a research project that I already handed off to a coworker. That coworker is hard to get along with, which is why my previous managers assigned it to me. It was underhanded of them and I was happy to pass it back to coworker. Who was happy to take it back. Now they are trying to do the same thing by asking my boss if I can just do one part. My response to my boss is isn't my coworker leading this? My boss said it's just a little part, just do it. This research, this project has nothing to do…

Hello. Help. I have a meeting scheduled with boss and bosses boss Monday.

I moved within my division to same role. Instead of being general office admin, now I'm specific division office admin. My boss keeps volunteering me for tasks related to my old position.

First was assigning me a research project that I already handed off to a coworker. That coworker is hard to get along with, which is why my previous managers assigned it to me. It was underhanded of them and I was happy to pass it back to coworker. Who was happy to take it back. Now they are trying to do the same thing by asking my boss if I can just do one part.

My response to my boss is isn't my coworker leading this? My boss said it's just a little part, just do it. This research, this project has nothing to do with my division, so how do I continue to push back? My coworker is frustrated they are again trying to take it from them.

More serious, why I'm being called in for a meeting is phone coverage for my old division. I got asked absolutely last minute to cover phones today, all day. They knew they needed coverage days/weeks in advance but also knew I am too nice to refuse last minute. So they dumped it on me. I was pissed. This happened earlier in the month too, when I was asked. That time, while I did give in, I sent an email asking why other options weren't being utilized that were previously being used. I also asked if this is ongoing. Got no response.

When I was visibly frustrated today my boss said sometimes we have to do things we don't want to. I then asked my manager why am I not included in these discussions volunteering me and his response was I'm the manager so you do what I tell you.

Sorry if this is too vague, but basically how to push back against a boss insisting on volunteering me for tasks related to old position.

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