
Store got robbed and all my boss cares more about the tasks he should have been there to do.

TLDR: Boss likes to vent at his employees and blames everyone but himself for expecting untrained people to be able to prevent a robbery that had no signs of happening. Boss can't fire me anyways cause everyone who works under him that doesn't need the money quits and i'm the only one who can do the tasks he gives me besides the other keyholder who never has closing shift. Basically he caught on to my need to put all my dedication into something and is trying to drain every last drop of my work ethic until i'm dead from the strain Thank you to whoever actually reads all this jumbled mess of a work rant without wanting to claw their eyes out. Sorry for any grammer or spelling mistakes. Work retail, I was the cashier who saw nothing wrong with the couple grabbing alot of stuff because we regularly get…

TLDR: Boss likes to vent at his employees and blames everyone but himself for expecting untrained people to be able to prevent a robbery that had no signs of happening. Boss can't fire me anyways cause everyone who works under him that doesn't need the money quits and i'm the only one who can do the tasks he gives me besides the other keyholder who never has closing shift. Basically he caught on to my need to put all my dedication into something and is trying to drain every last drop of my work ethic until i'm dead from the strain

Thank you to whoever actually reads all this jumbled mess of a work rant without wanting to claw their eyes out. Sorry for any grammer or spelling mistakes.

Work retail, I was the cashier who saw nothing wrong with the couple grabbing alot of stuff because we regularly get bulk buyers and big spenders.

They distracted me with giftcards and the wife ran with the clothes, husband stayed to pay only for his card to decline 4 times and he left too.

In that time I couldn't keep them in or lock the dude in because in my head if he even thinks I caught on to whats happening we are getting shot.

My coworkers, parents, and friends agree I did the right thing letting them go than turning it into a situation.

My boss was furious obviously, I expected it since 2911.23 dollars drove off, but he was actually angry at my coworkers for being new and inexperienced and at me for my 'lack of leadership' and 'not being able to multi task'.

Wanna know what I was doing? Fixing the store, helping customers, receiving and putting away shipment (clothing or items that needs seperating and sorting plus censoring), making plans for how we will close and who will do what task, sending pics of shipment labels to my boss for the shipment since only my boss can 'receive' it and print out the papers we need, planning how to do my lunch since i'm the only person who can do register that shift, and doing 2 transactions with a 3rd behind the ones who stole from us. So yeah I clearly can't multi-task

Anyways, I was shaking and lightheaded afterwards and my coworkers despite being new know how much stress i'm under and reassured me everything is fine and were worried i'd get fired.

Now this is not a cocky or arrogant statement, it is completely true. They can't fire me even if they want to. Not only am I the only other keyholder, i'm the only one who stuck around long enough to even be considered for a position. I have many storys to back up the sentiment because so far i've been sick and completely in pain about 6 times now, tried to quit twice, and openly told me boss to find a new keyholder because if he doesn't like my work despite all the shit he puts on me he can find someone else. They rather spray me with lysol than let me go home sick and would rather tell me i'm lucky to have my position as i'm crying telling them I can't deal with all the pressure they are putting on me so soon.

I've been working since the last week of January, so about 4 months of hell all because I get a good paycheck for being 'part time temporary keyholder'. This is my first job every since I graduated last year.

I do good under pressure but I can't under strain with no support at all. I can't keep hurting myself like this and my mental health was declining 2 months in, thinking it would be better to end it rather than come to work and be around people who cared nothing at all for the work I did. Snapped one day and told a coworker “congratulations, I wasn't suicidal anymore till now because of you”. I won't apologize for it even if we are on ok terms now.

The coworker I mentioned and my boss apparently “hate how i'm pushing my work on them and i'm selfish for making them fix my mistakes” as if they didn't put my on opening and closing almost the whole week the last month and both hardly work anymore because i'm here to cover for them.

Got off track, point is they have always been horrible, will never change, work can suck my dick, i'm the fucking manager at this rate and everyone knows my name when coming to the store for business reasons. They can blame me all they want, the way they handle work is the reason they can't get another keyholder, because everyone quits once they realize what's going on. My boss says its “our negitivity that's making them leave” when its him who is doing all this.

Personally I don't give a fuck if the people who stole from us get caught, police won't go after them anyways so why should I even naively think they would even get tracked? My hope is they crash on the freeway since that's all that happens anymore nowadays on the news.

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