
Story about self worth

In 2004, after I graduated from college, I was recruited by an employment firm that sought to recruit applicants for jobs in the legal profession. I was recruited by the firm to interview with a paralegal company seeking an employee with experience putting together legal documents. Sorry, but I don't remember the job description entirely. The job required the successful applicant to have a bachelor's degree. I interviewed for the position and did very well in my first interview. A week later, I was invited back to the office what I thought was going to be my finalist interview. It turned out to be an opportunity for the job to being offered to me by the owner of the company, but at a much reduced salary offer of $20,000 per year. The employment firm that recruited me said the starting salary range was supposed to be between $35,000 – $38,000…

In 2004, after I graduated from college, I was recruited by an employment firm that sought to recruit applicants for jobs in the legal profession.

I was recruited by the firm to interview with a paralegal company seeking an employee with experience putting together legal documents. Sorry, but I don't remember the job description entirely. The job required the successful applicant to have a bachelor's degree.

I interviewed for the position and did very well in my first interview. A week later, I was invited back to the office what I thought was going to be my finalist interview. It turned out to be an opportunity for the job to being offered to me by the owner of the company, but at a much reduced salary offer of $20,000 per year. The employment firm that recruited me said the starting salary range was supposed to be between $35,000 – $38,000 per year. The company was trying to low ball me into accepting their offer thinking I didn't know any better and that I would work at the job for almost less than half of what they were going to initially offer, according to employment firm.

I asked for salary negotiation and the company said so. Take it or leave it. I didn't accept the position. Please always know what your self worth is.

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