
Stress in the workplace can make someone want to drop everything and say F it all, even if you have a awesome boss and like your job.

Not sure if this an acceptable post (delete if not) but I just wanted to vent a little bit and maybe start a conversation about stress in the workplace. So, I'm from Canada, and I work for a mid sized company and it's actually a good job for the most part. Most of the employees are decent, and the owner is an awesome, literally the best boss I have ever had. However, there are a few people that make the work day extremely stressful some days, and while it can get bad usually I just shrug it off and ignore them but after today I think I've had enough. So, a while back I was in an minor accident where I fractured my ankle, and messed up my hip a bit so I was off work for a while to heal and came back but I have been going to…

Not sure if this an acceptable post (delete if not) but I just wanted to vent a little bit and maybe start a conversation about stress in the workplace.

So, I'm from Canada, and I work for a mid sized company and it's actually a good job for the most part. Most of the employees are decent, and the owner is an awesome, literally the best boss I have ever had. However, there are a few people that make the work day extremely stressful some days, and while it can get bad usually I just shrug it off and ignore them but after today I think I've had enough.

So, a while back I was in an minor accident where I fractured my ankle, and messed up my hip a bit so I was off work for a while to heal and came back but I have been going to physiotherapy one day every 1-2 weeks. And unfortunately due to my therapists schedule most days I have to leave a bit early (at most 2 hours), and it's not always the same day which my boss (the owner) has been extremely understanding about and has never had a problem with.

But today was a special case. I told my foreman this morning like usual I had to leave early, and he just kinda nodded and gave the old “mmhmm” while he was looking at something on his drawing and that was that. However, about 5 minutes before I had to leave to make my appointment on time (I was just putting my tools away which takes a few minutes) a co-worker asked me to help them with something (didn't say what) and I told them I unfortunately had to leave. So they went to the foreman to presumably ask them instead, and came back out and said “It will only be about a half an hour.” and just kept walking out into the yard.

So I went to the foreman and just told him I had to leave and couldn't do whatever it was the other guy needed and he would have to get someone else or go help himself, and he frickin snapped saying I didn't tell him shit and even then it would only take half an hour and my appointment didn't *start* for half an hour anyway, when It takes me a half an hour to get there. So, I tried pointing out I would be half an hour late to my appointment then and due to their late cancellation, and no show policy (best clinic in my city, and they're very busy so I get it) my appointment would not only be canceled and I would have to reschedule (so leaving work early and missing time just to get there late would be pointless), I would be charged 50% of my appointment cost as a fee, and he just said “F@#$ off then”. So, I left…

And now I'm siting at home, unable to relax and do anything I enjoy because I am stressed out of my mind and am just dreading going into work tomorrow. He's the type of guy who would try and twist the situation and make it seem like I abandoned them in some critical moment, life or death type situation, to try and get me fired or something when they didn't even tell me what they wanted.

Well, sorry if this is long and drawn out hat's the bulk of it and if you made it this far, thanks for reading, and have you ever had to deal with a similar situation, or just a foreman/co-worker that made work so stressful you wanted to quit? What did you end up doing?

TLD; Came back to work after accident and had to go to physio, leaving early most days but boss/owner was fine with it. Had to leave early today, as a co worker asked for help and I sad I can't or I would be late, then foreman lost it.

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