
“Strike” by living simply.

This is a simple idea but I haven't seen many people bring it up. You don't have to stop working completely to go on strike. You can strike against the system by working as little as possible, buying as little as possible, and living simply. I think, in a lot of ways, we've seen the beginnings of this with the shift in how people are working now. If there was a big movement to reject capitalistic values and live with as little work and as small a lifestyle as possible, it would have the same effect as a general strike without us little people having the bear the pain or the burden of it.

This is a simple idea but I haven't seen many people bring it up. You don't have to stop working completely to go on strike. You can strike against the system by working as little as possible, buying as little as possible, and living simply. I think, in a lot of ways, we've seen the beginnings of this with the shift in how people are working now. If there was a big movement to reject capitalistic values and live with as little work and as small a lifestyle as possible, it would have the same effect as a general strike without us little people having the bear the pain or the burden of it.

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