
Stuck between a rock and a hard place

So, for starters, I’m not going to name the place I work at, because this is a vent-type/“what would you do” type of post… however, I DO work in the hospitality business… Okay, so about 2 months ago, my work started losing employees in the restaurant; I was a midnight shift person at $15, and although that is not the department I work in, I have experience as a waitress and I volunteered to help. I wanted to get away from the graveyard shift. GM states that she doesn’t want to “pluck” people from other departments. Well, I wasn’t asking to move permanently, just pick up hours/money-in-tips, etc. Gas is expensive and almost everyone who works there has to drive at least 20 miles, give or take. I have a 30+ mile one way, in a car that is a glutton for gas. After being told that, and that corporate…

So, for starters, I’m not going to name the place I work at, because this is a vent-type/“what would you do” type of post… however, I DO work in the hospitality business…

Okay, so about 2 months ago, my work started losing employees in the restaurant; I was a midnight shift person at $15, and although that is not the department I work in, I have experience as a waitress and I volunteered to help. I wanted to get away from the graveyard shift. GM states that she doesn’t want to “pluck” people from other departments. Well, I wasn’t asking to move permanently, just pick up hours/money-in-tips, etc. Gas is expensive and almost everyone who works there has to drive at least 20 miles, give or take. I have a 30+ mile one way, in a car that is a glutton for gas.

After being told that, and that corporate policy is waiting 6 months before switching departments, I was like “ok, I can wait a few more months, no problem”. THEN I get asked if I would “help” out in the retail store, but the pay was $12.50 I agreed, because it DID get me off of midnights.

Got my first paycheck since I started, and the rate of pay is less than what I was told. I asked HR/accounting about it, because MY manager and GM were MIA… she stated that the starting pay was $12, unless told otherwise. (Everyone got a pay raise about 2 months ago).

I finally cornered both my manager and GM (they were in the same place) and asked my manager if the started pay was $12 or $12.50, and she confirmed it was $12.50; I stated my paycheck said it was $12, same with HR. When we get our hour print outs, we are to check them and make sure they are correct before submitting them to HR; it doesn’t state anywhere on there the rate of pay, so I had no idea. I didn’t push beforehand because I am honestly thankful for a job. So I calculated my hours as $12.50, to see how much I would have left over from paying the bills. No problem; but now my concern is that it’s about $200 short of what I thought I would have, and now one bill won’t be paid until late (tack on a late fee, you see where this is going). When my GM heard me ask about what my manager told me on the rate of pay and that I seen on indeed what the pay is, she legit said “you can’t take that as face value”… granted I already had put in my two weeks before this, mainly bc I can’t afford gas where I live and I can’t do ride share because of my hours (only one from my town), there really isn’t an alternative…

They both even said that they’ll talk to HR about making it right, cut an extra check if need be, whatever, but I haven’t heard anything more about it. They didn’t even talk to her about my situation before they left for the day.

Here’s my thing though, they don’t want to “pluck” from other departments, but yet here I am working another department for “their” pay rate (although I’m just a fill in and helping out, didn’t move departments), but the restaurant didn’t have enough employees to operate full time hours and had to opt into opening at a later time, and couldn’t take the day or two to train me – in which I’ve already shown them I catch on quick via my one day of training in retail, and on top of that, not pay me the rate I was told… I really don’t want to work there anymore and very tempted to end my two-week notice a week early… I totally understand that I was taking a drastic pay cut to begin with, and I honestly don’t want to be away from my family anymore than I already am or I would work OT. I was willing to work a few hours after my graveyard shift just to make sure our guests can have a hearty breakfast, and now their stuck with a continental type breakfast that even I would be happy with (apples that taste like horses ass, tiny bottles of apple and orange juice and frozen pastries).

What in the flying frick should I do?

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