
Student loans shouldn’t have to be paid until the Federal Government learns to pay its own debts.

Just what the title says. It's real funny that members of both houses of Congress insist on people paying for unaffordable education when Congress is by far the biggest reason for an unaffordable education (also add the fed reserve). The World Reserve currency is the… US dollar (after WW2, as back then it was said the “dollar was as good as the then reserve, gold.) Richard Nixon, a Republican, suspended the convertibility from dollar to gold due to speculators and inflation. Before, gold would keep a government (at least partially) honest as people and other governments could sell their dollars for gold if the government was inflating the dollar too recklessly. Now, Congress gets gets a rubber stamp approval from the fed reserve (also evil) to essentially print more money–which is backed by nothing, into existence, to pay off its debts. As a matter of fact, our inept Congress is…

Just what the title says. It's real funny that members of both houses of Congress insist on people paying for unaffordable education when Congress is by far the biggest reason for an unaffordable education (also add the fed reserve).

The World Reserve currency is the… US dollar (after WW2, as back then it was said the “dollar was as good as the then reserve, gold.) Richard Nixon, a Republican, suspended the convertibility from dollar to gold due to speculators and inflation. Before, gold would keep a government (at least partially) honest as people and other governments could sell their dollars for gold if the government was inflating the dollar too recklessly. Now, Congress gets gets a rubber stamp approval from the fed reserve (also evil) to essentially print more money–which is backed by nothing, into existence, to pay off its debts. As a matter of fact, our inept Congress is so in debt from their brilliant decisions, that the only way they can pay for previous loans is to take out more loans.

This has led to inflation which will inevitably lead to hyperinflation (because the more you print of something that is backed by nothing, the less valuable it becomes). This is why education, homes, cars, and even food is becoming unaffordable. It is also in part the reason why crypto is becoming lucrative (Bitcoin is finite). As a matter of fact, government spending is creating an inflation standard where if you can't keep pace with the inflation that the government is creating, you will inevitably fall behind and become poorer until you are living in the streets homeless–which is what is happening. However, members of Congress are essentially keeping themselves rich by bribing with the fed reserve for all these expenses in exchanged for–stock investment opportunities that you or I will never have.

Tldr: Congress and the Fed Reserve has caused massive inflation problems, have enriched themselves, and they should have to pay for the debt they have created before the people do.

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