
Stupid friggin hiring process is stupid

Okay, so once again I find myself here. I am entirely anti-work, but still need money, so I worked my ass off to try and get employment. Context; im 17. So, I applied to a few places, whatever, they all said no. But one of them in particular pissed me off. On the advice of everybody around me, I went in to the place I applied for online. I dressed nice, in black pants and a button up. In Florida. In 100 degree heat. black pants. Because of course. Whatever. I go into this place i'm not gonna name, but know it's a chain, but a small one. I politely ask for the manager, and the lady working there tells me the manager just left around five minutes ago. To maybe try again tomorrow. I also proceed to leave a physical copy of my resume, and per her request write…

Okay, so once again I find myself here. I am entirely anti-work, but still need money, so I worked my ass off to try and get employment. Context; im 17.

So, I applied to a few places, whatever, they all said no. But one of them in particular pissed me off. On the advice of everybody around me, I went in to the place I applied for online. I dressed nice, in black pants and a button up. In Florida. In 100 degree heat. black pants. Because of course. Whatever.

I go into this place i'm not gonna name, but know it's a chain, but a small one. I politely ask for the manager, and the lady working there tells me the manager just left around five minutes ago. To maybe try again tomorrow. I also proceed to leave a physical copy of my resume, and per her request write down my name and phone number on a piece of paper. Okay, cool.

The next day, earlier than the first day, I show up. A different lady tells me that the manager just left a few minutes prior, and to come back in around 30 minutes. Whatever. I'm polite, it's cool. I go back to the car, pick up my prescriptions from the pharmacy, twiddle my thumbs, whatever. Around 45 minutes later, I come back, and the same lady tells me that the manager did come back, but just departed again for the gas station near us. That she'll be back any minute.

I don't show my frustration. I'm as polite as I can be, talking to her for a few minutes since the store is empty anyway, but go back to my car. Maybe ten minutes later, I see a lady walk into the store with bags from the gas station. Bingo, that's the elusive manager. I give it a few minutes, and then get out of my car. I take a deep breath, and step inside.

I ask her if she's the manager, and she takes no time in asking “are you [my name]?” I am, obviously, so I say yes. She proceeds to tell me in that sickly sweet customer service tone that she received my resume. But hasn't read it. Nor has she read any resumes. Or will she be reading a single resume until late July. The end of next month. But if i'm still available by then and she thinks i'd be a good fit, she'd call me.

And I smile. and leave.

What the actual fuck?! You are not allowed to whine and weep on the internet about how “boo-hoo, nobody wants to work for us!” while not even bothering to look at the applications! Literally just manufacturing a shortage by not hiring people! If you're so desperate for workers, maybe look at the applications instead of just collecting them for a month??? Ugh. I'm still so unbelievably mad rn.

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