
Submitted my immediate notice 5 weeks ago. Still receiving $0.00 check stubs.

Basically the title. I was on FMLA for work related stress and anxiety. I received direct deposit for one month of short term disability, but then the remaining two months was denied and I started to receive $0.00 paycheck stubs in the mail. At the end of my 12 weeks of FMLA, (July 25th) I quit. Now, over a month later i received a check stub for the pay period of 8/8/22-8/21/22 for another whopping $0.00. Does anyone have a theory of why this is happening? My anxiety side doesn’t even want to call them to find out why, but why am I still on the payroll? It is causing a lot of distress being reminded of this job (hence why took leave and then quit). Why are they torturing me?

Basically the title. I was on FMLA for work related stress and anxiety. I received direct deposit for one month of short term disability, but then the remaining two months was denied and I started to receive $0.00 paycheck stubs in the mail. At the end of my 12 weeks of FMLA, (July 25th) I quit. Now, over a month later i received a check stub for the pay period of 8/8/22-8/21/22 for another whopping $0.00. Does anyone have a theory of why this is happening? My anxiety side doesn’t even want to call them to find out why, but why am I still on the payroll? It is causing a lot of distress being reminded of this job (hence why took leave and then quit). Why are they torturing me?

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