
Suicide is the answer

I can't take this shit anymore. I feel like every last bit of hope for a better life has been sucked out of me. The game of life now involves the vast majority of us being nothing but hamsters on a wheel for those at the top to enjoy life. What exactly did I do to not deserve to enjoy living? I did everything right, from doing good in school to following the advice of my parents to going to college to landing a job in engineering, only for me to be overworked, underpaid, and basically a punching bag of a peon with very little chance of upward mobility. I'm currently 29 years old, living paycheck to paycheck, with no hope of owning a house, starting a family, having kids, and retiring to enjoy life. Every single working soul I encountered is nothing but a zombie, mindlessly walking and working…

I can't take this shit anymore. I feel like every last bit of hope for a better life has been sucked out of me.

The game of life now involves the vast majority of us being nothing but hamsters on a wheel for those at the top to enjoy life. What exactly did I do to not deserve to enjoy living? I did everything right, from doing good in school to following the advice of my parents to going to college to landing a job in engineering, only for me to be overworked, underpaid, and basically a punching bag of a peon with very little chance of upward mobility. I'm currently 29 years old, living paycheck to paycheck, with no hope of owning a house, starting a family, having kids, and retiring to enjoy life.

Every single working soul I encountered is nothing but a zombie, mindlessly walking and working only to just get by paycheck to paycheck. I knew that that's what I absolutely do not want to end up like, but it seems that I have no other alternative to survive. I tried explaining my problems to people, but apparently it's all my fault.

There is no prestige in being a wage slave, and this society is based on keeping you feeling like a robot with no free will in order to keep the grand machine running.

Why should I live like this? Just because I happen to exist? Fuck that. If I can't live, then there's no point in being alive. This will be my ultimate middle finger to this sick society of greed.

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