
Supervisor asked us what would make us feel appreciated as front-line medical workers

..other than cash. I kid you not. Her exact words were “What would make you guys feel appreciated? Other than cash.” Followed up by a kind of uncomfortable laugh. The silence in the room was deafening. It was 30 seconds of awkward looks around and sentences being started and not finished. Mind you, the benefits are outstanding and they do take care of us in the form of appreciation lunches a few times a month, that kind of thing. But it was such a surreal moment to live one of these moments where you realize why this movement exists.

..other than cash.

I kid you not. Her exact words were “What would make you guys feel appreciated? Other than cash.” Followed up by a kind of uncomfortable laugh.

The silence in the room was deafening. It was 30 seconds of awkward looks around and sentences being started and not finished.

Mind you, the benefits are outstanding and they do take care of us in the form of appreciation lunches a few times a month, that kind of thing. But it was such a surreal moment to live one of these moments where you realize why this movement exists.

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