
Supervisor is forcing a witness statement

I partially witnessed the outcome of a forklift incident but want nothing to do with it. No one was injured and no product was ruined. I was asked to make a statement and refused. Especially since I didn’t actually see the incident, only the outcome. My supervisor responded by saying she was sorry but that I’m required to. Is that true? Or am I aloud to stay out of if? It just doesn’t right to force me to right a stay over something I barely witnessed and at the very least should be REQUIRED to do so

I partially witnessed the outcome of a forklift incident but want nothing to do with it. No one was injured and no product was ruined. I was asked to make a statement and refused. Especially since I didn’t actually see the incident, only the outcome. My supervisor responded by saying she was sorry but that I’m required to. Is that true? Or am I aloud to stay out of if? It just doesn’t right to force me to right a stay over something I barely witnessed and at the very least should be REQUIRED to do so

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