
Supervisor Taking Credit For My Ideas AND Not Using the Benefits I Gave Her

I don't have a difficult job. I'm a glorified gate babysitter/records keeper for a chemical plant. I wanted to make the new guy's job easier when I was off by setting him up for success, because it's a lot when you're new to something. Supervisor now requires I do it for every shift. She got a raise for it while taking the credit. I've since stopped doing anything that isn't in my immediate job description. No more looking for old logs to cover when things get missed. No more cleaning out the scale. I'm working on leaving this job one way or another, and it's gonna fall apart when I go. They think I'm stuck, but I just got gap insurance for less than I pay through work. I'm out at the first offer I get.

I don't have a difficult job. I'm a glorified gate babysitter/records keeper for a chemical plant. I wanted to make the new guy's job easier when I was off by setting him up for success, because it's a lot when you're new to something. Supervisor now requires I do it for every shift. She got a raise for it while taking the credit. I've since stopped doing anything that isn't in my immediate job description. No more looking for old logs to cover when things get missed. No more cleaning out the scale. I'm working on leaving this job one way or another, and it's gonna fall apart when I go. They think I'm stuck, but I just got gap insurance for less than I pay through work. I'm out at the first offer I get.

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