
Supervisor threatens to fire me for sitting on the job (while working)

I started a job a few weeks ago that has me working at a home improvement store overnight stocking shelves, and have on multiple occasions stressed to my supervisor that this is my first job in three years so I would need time to adjust back into working and standing for long periods of time as I had spent all of 2020 and 2021 taking care of both my parents and grandparents full time, as both parties had been suffering through health problems at the time. As such, I'm a tad bit slow doing my job and have lost the skill to squat sit for long periods of time back to back, so if I need to get down to the bottom shelf I sit down. Reasonable, right? Last Friday he came to me, sitting on the floor having just finished up a pallet of boxes and starting on breaking…

I started a job a few weeks ago that has me working at a home improvement store overnight stocking shelves, and have on multiple occasions stressed to my supervisor that this is my first job in three years so I would need time to adjust back into working and standing for long periods of time as I had spent all of 2020 and 2021 taking care of both my parents and grandparents full time, as both parties had been suffering through health problems at the time. As such, I'm a tad bit slow doing my job and have lost the skill to squat sit for long periods of time back to back, so if I need to get down to the bottom shelf I sit down. Reasonable, right?

Last Friday he came to me, sitting on the floor having just finished up a pallet of boxes and starting on breaking down the boxes so I can chuck them all into the bailer, and started talking to me. He started off with telling me that the pallet I did would have taken anyone else 30 minutes (it took me 45 or so minutes because I took it to where it needed to go just before lunch and came back and started working on it after) and that wherever he does his rounds I'm always sitting, and that if he doesn't see me step up the next week he'll have to let me go.

So I decided to say fuck him, if he doesn't want me sitting then I guess I'm just not doing the stuff on the bottom shelves for a while. Even if I can clearly see where it goes and there's an obvious hole, nope. I can somewhat handle working at a different pace so that's whatever, but I'm of the opinion that if I can get my job done in any way I can, who cares about how I go about it as long as I'm not violating some safety regulation. Even if I came home limping because my body hasn't yet adjusted fully to working again, the only times I sat down this while week was for lunch.

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