
Supervisor told me to anticipate hostility from my boss after a simple clerical error.

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this or if it seems trivial. I'm a receptionist at a small but established company. I started this job about a month ago. I'm a responsible employee. I come in every day early to prepare for the day, I manage mail-sorting and bills, take care of our lobby fish, clean the office, etc. Always on time, always dressed professionally, I always keep a tidy workspace. The company vice president is an ass. A few weeks ago he berated me for turning off a flickering light in the lobby as it was giving me a headache. Please note we have almost no walk-in traffic, it was one small pot light, and I'm the only employee in the lobby. Whatever, I'm used to asshole management at this point. I let it go. Yesterday I went home early from work for the first time.…

Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this or if it seems trivial.

I'm a receptionist at a small but established company. I started this job about a month ago. I'm a responsible employee. I come in every day early to prepare for the day, I manage mail-sorting and bills, take care of our lobby fish, clean the office, etc. Always on time, always dressed professionally, I always keep a tidy workspace.

The company vice president is an ass. A few weeks ago he berated me for turning off a flickering light in the lobby as it was giving me a headache. Please note we have almost no walk-in traffic, it was one small pot light, and I'm the only employee in the lobby. Whatever, I'm used to asshole management at this point. I let it go.

Yesterday I went home early from work for the first time. I have what's suspected to be endometriosis. Basically, horrible period cramps. Unbearable. I was crying at my desk as my supervisor made me fill-out a time-off request form to leave early for the VP to approve.

I took off work again today, still in pain. Over the phone my supervisor tells me the woman who covered the phones while I was sick went through my desk and found within my recycling box (things I can't recycle at the office so I take elsewhere to toss — this isn't confidential mail, just flyers), a few bills that had gone missed. So she reported it to the vice president and said when I get back, he is going to be “very angry” with me and I should anticipate it.

I'm just sick of working at places that treat me with zero fucking respect. I've had a rough few years. I need this job to save up for my education. Yesterday when I was going through the mail, I was in so much pain I couldn't stand. So yeah, I missed a bill or two and it's inconvenient l. No denying that. But now I've been sick to my stomach all day about returning.

Either I'm getting yelled at and now I'm the office idiot or I'm getting yelled at and fired. I shouldn't be driving myself up the wall with anxiety because of one human error. I'm just so fucking tired. How hard is it to be empathetic to your employees?

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