
Supervisor tried to cancel my PTO with less than 24hr notice.

I am the only person on my team who can do my particular job, there are 4 teams with rotating 12hr shifts. I requested a day off with two month's notice. 2 weeks before the day, it still hadn't been approved. I asked my supervisor; “Oh, let me ask the other teams and see if I can find you coverage.” 1 week before the day, I ask again. “Still haven't heard back, ask me tomorrow.” Next day, finally get approval. Make appointments for my extra day off, start getting excited for the extra rest. Get in the day before my PTO day, immediately start busting ass to leave as little work as possible for my replacement. About 3 hours into my shift, go and ask Supervisor a clarifying question, while he's looking up the answer I glance at the PTO sheet and notice my name has been crossed out for…

I am the only person on my team who can do my particular job, there are 4 teams with rotating 12hr shifts. I requested a day off with two month's notice.

2 weeks before the day, it still hadn't been approved. I asked my supervisor; “Oh, let me ask the other teams and see if I can find you coverage.”

1 week before the day, I ask again. “Still haven't heard back, ask me tomorrow.”

Next day, finally get approval. Make appointments for my extra day off, start getting excited for the extra rest.

Get in the day before my PTO day, immediately start busting ass to leave as little work as possible for my replacement. About 3 hours into my shift, go and ask Supervisor a clarifying question, while he's looking up the answer I glance at the PTO sheet and notice my name has been crossed out for tomorrow.

Supervisor sees me looking; “I'm sorry, but your coverage for tomorrow won't be able to make it. I'll need you to work.”

Me: “I made two appointments, I really can't make it.”

Supervisor: “Can't you reschedule?”

Me: “Not with this little notice. But honestly, this isn't about my appointments. I'm the only one who can do [job], and I'm starting to feel trapped. If I can never take PTO, I'm going to start looking for a new place to work.”

He grimaced but said he'd “figure it out.” An hour later, he came back and said he would cover my position himself. I'm glad he reconsidered, but I'm still pissed that he took my PTO off the schedule and just assumed I'd be okay with it.

I see this happening every time I need time off, but I plan to be adament about my “requests.” I get that we're short-staffed, but if I quit from being overworked, they'll really be screwed!

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