
Supervisor’s punishing the whole team just for sitting down.

I work at a museum, and I’m on the last door shift today, which is always the slowest one. The museum closes in one hour, so hardly anybody comes in. There was a chair that I and my coworkers would often sit on if there was a slow period between people coming in, or if someone else is at the door, you’d just sit and chat with them during the shift. One of my two supervisors is more than a little anal retentive (most of my coworkers just call him OCD but I’m not about to hand out diagnoses) and has some really strict views of the ways he wants things done, and will snap at us when things aren’t to his liking. About 10 minutes ago, he sees me sitting and says “it’s only an hour, we can stand” and then says sitting looks unprofessional. 5 minutes later, one…

I work at a museum, and I’m on the last door shift today, which is always the slowest one. The museum closes in one hour, so hardly anybody comes in. There was a chair that I and my coworkers would often sit on if there was a slow period between people coming in, or if someone else is at the door, you’d just sit and chat with them during the shift.

One of my two supervisors is more than a little anal retentive (most of my coworkers just call him OCD but I’m not about to hand out diagnoses) and has some really strict views of the ways he wants things done, and will snap at us when things aren’t to his liking. About 10 minutes ago, he sees me sitting and says “it’s only an hour, we can stand” and then says sitting looks unprofessional. 5 minutes later, one of my coworkers comes by and says our supervisor told him to take the chair and put it in the office because apparently it “breeds laziness.”

All my coworkers think this is bullshit and nobody blames me for it (it sounds like he’s been looking for a reason to take the chair away for a while; I’ve only worked here a month), but everything about this is frustrating. In this job, we’re expected to be on our feet walking around the entire day, find ways to be busy or help out somewhere even when nothing is going on. I’d think sitting at the end of the day when nobody else is around wouldn’t be a big deal, but everything is a big deal to this supervisor. So now everyone’s unhappy.

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