
Sure sign me right up!

Obligatory long time lurker, first time poster (had to create an account to show you all how ridiculous this is, couldn't keep all the laughs to myself 😉 )!!! Mods, please let me know if this is allowed, if not I can take it down- thank you! 🙂 ​ Background: I've been applying to jobs, and have had a few interviews along the way. Nothing has come to fruition quite yet, but I received this in my inbox. Usually, when people send me a pre-interview package, I quickly look to see what they want, and then send it straight to trash. Why waste my time filling all this stuff out- isn't that why you have my resume to begin with? But this right here takes the cake! This company had sent me a full out booklet to complete before they even consider me for the interview what they call a…

Obligatory long time lurker, first time poster (had to create an account to show you all how ridiculous this is, couldn't keep all the laughs to myself 😉 )!!! Mods, please let me know if this is allowed, if not I can take it down- thank you! 🙂


I've been applying to jobs, and have had a few interviews along the way. Nothing has come to fruition quite yet, but I received this in my inbox. Usually, when people send me a pre-interview package, I quickly look to see what they want, and then send it straight to trash. Why waste my time filling all this stuff out- isn't that why you have my resume to begin with? But this right here takes the cake! This company had sent me a full out booklet to complete before they even consider me for the interview what they call a 'self-assessment. So naturally, I wanted to see what nonsense they sent me- and oh boy do some of these questions really make me wonder what kind of candidates are working there. Enjoy the laughs!

Edit: Apologies, it looks like I had some issues uploading pics, you should be able to see them now.

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