
“Surprise team meeting with big boss.”

So I just started this horrendous sales rep position on 9/19 (already looking for a new job , my cousin kind of finessed me into it. I had another job offer at a manufacturing place… should’ve taken that one) and clocking in about 8-8.5 hours of just boring cult like sales videos the whole time. Then out of the blue our manager (super chill guy) sends our team an email (just an hour ago while I’m at home) saying that we have to go in on Saturday at 6am to “deep clean” the store because our manager says that his manager is coming in and that we have a team meeting with our manager’s manager’s boss (big boss). TOMORROW (Friday) WILL LITERALLY BE MY FIFTH DAY WORKING! And they want me to come into the store an extra day just to clean and meet the big boss for like an…

So I just started this horrendous sales rep position on 9/19 (already looking for a new job , my cousin kind of finessed me into it. I had another job offer at a manufacturing place… should’ve taken that one) and clocking in about 8-8.5 hours of just boring cult like sales videos the whole time. Then out of the blue our manager (super chill guy) sends our team an email (just an hour ago while I’m at home) saying that we have to go in on Saturday at 6am to “deep clean” the store because our manager says that his manager is coming in and that we have a team meeting with our manager’s manager’s boss (big boss). TOMORROW (Friday) WILL LITERALLY BE MY FIFTH DAY WORKING! And they want me to come into the store an extra day just to clean and meet the big boss for like an hour or two???? They aren’t paying me enough. Honestly, I already know this company doesn’t give a damn about their employees through their training videos, online trainings, trainings with trainee managers, and this just shows they don’t give a damn about the employees time and days off by making it mandatory to come in. I’ve OT plenty of times in my other jobs, but definitely not on a sixth day out of a week that supposed to be my day off. Side note, I was out of my state for awhile being a farm hand and needed a job asap. That’s why I’m at this current shitty job.

These sales rep positions from third party companies kind of feel like a pyramid scheme, honestly.


First shittiest job I’ve had, title: “Sales rep.” Have to come in for a sixth day, just to meet people that don’t give a damn about their employees and their employees time.

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