
Swapping jobs.

So I had a Interview this morning and Ironically It was right next door to my current job. I knew this ahead of time and was hoping I could just skate right by without anyone at my job noticing me. Interview was at 9 am and when I pulled up, no one was at my office yet, great I thought. Interview went great and when I walked out, my boss was looking directly at my car and our eyes met for a split second and I just walked to my car without looking back. I have to go In at 5:30 this evening and I'm wondering how they're gonna act and/or say. The reason I'm looking for another job, Is because of poor pay and poor management.

So I had a Interview this morning and Ironically It was right next door to my current job. I knew this ahead of time and was hoping I could just skate right by without anyone at my job noticing me. Interview was at 9 am and when I pulled up, no one was at my office yet, great I thought. Interview went great and when I walked out, my boss was looking directly at my car and our eyes met for a split second and I just walked to my car without looking back. I have to go In at 5:30 this evening and I'm wondering how they're gonna act and/or say. The reason I'm looking for another job, Is because of poor pay and poor management.

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