
T-41 Days Until I Leave My Job…

And you best believe I'm calling out every bit of bullshit I see until then. The people whose opinions I care about support me, so why should I worry about it. Already put in my notice, what're they gonna do? Fire me? Cool, then I'll get unemployment. Go for it. In the last month, I've: Put in official complaints about a pair of providers and their nurses for shit talking patients behind their backs, loudly discussing their patients in derogatory ways around other staff and even other patients, not wearing masks, and calling two nonbinary minors “things”. Called out my supervisor on multiple things she does, to the point that she literally has not spoken directly to me in two weeks because she's either A) scared to or B) being petty about it. Made an appointment with my supervisor's boss to tell her about the fact that one of our…

And you best believe I'm calling out every bit of bullshit I see until then. The people whose opinions I care about support me, so why should I worry about it. Already put in my notice, what're they gonna do? Fire me? Cool, then I'll get unemployment. Go for it.

In the last month, I've:

Put in official complaints about a pair of providers and their nurses for shit talking patients behind their backs, loudly discussing their patients in derogatory ways around other staff and even other patients, not wearing masks, and calling two nonbinary minors “things”.

Called out my supervisor on multiple things she does, to the point that she literally has not spoken directly to me in two weeks because she's either A) scared to or B) being petty about it.

Made an appointment with my supervisor's boss to tell her about the fact that one of our receptionists just randomly started talking about how she thinks gay people “want more rights” and that proof of that is that “If a gay guy walks into the lobby, I can't say 'there's a f*g' without getting arrested.” Like, first off, your dad's a cop in a small town in the rural midwest, you're not getting arrested for using a slur. Second of all, what the fuck?

Printed off EVERY SINGLE EMAIL that acts as an example of my supervisor oversharing, undersharing, or singling me out to discuss during my exit interview.

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